Here's to the latest health news: SWINE FLU has started to infest the USA. It started in Mexico, killing more or less a hundred people.
Exhibiting symptoms of traditional flu infection, SWINE FLU has NO VACCINATION and is AIRBORNE (so a simple sneeze from an infected person can kill you). It is not transmitted through eating pork but by contact, e.g., shaking of hands, kissing, and touching virus-infected objects and consequently touching the nose, eyes, mouth, etc. So ALCOHOL OR HAND SANITIZER is a must. Authorities at NAIA have ordered the screening of all passengers arriving from the United States.
The outbreak is not in the country yet, but we better be careful as early as this time. Which means...hmmm...SEB's might better be avoided for the meantime [sad!].
For more facts on SWINE FLU, visit the following links: