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Showing posts from November, 2010

SNEAK PEEK: First Love, a prequel to WBMB

"Adam, wait!" James said as he cornered me in the classroom. "Are you avoiding me? "Um, no. Why would I?" I lied. Truth was, I wanted to avoid James at all cost. How can I possibly face him after what happened? Then the images of that night started coming in. James and I lying down, side by side. His hand brushed mine. The hesitation as we stared at each other. The shiver that ran through my spine as our skin touched each other. The kiss-- that magical kiss. I could still fill his soft lips touch mine. It was my first time and man, I couldn't explain how excatly felt. All I knew was, it felt damn good. "Sorry James, I have to go." I quickly walked away and left James alone. What we did was wrong. I must avoid him. I must stay away from him. It's the right thing to do. I don't want to hurt Mariane. I love her. But if this was the right thing to do, why does my heart tell me otherwise. First kiss, First love, First heartbreak. Ever wondered ...

STRAP Salutes Amazing Philippine Beauties 2010

Eight years ago, Amazing Philippine Beauties was conceived to be the leading transgender pageant in the Philippines that would attract the most beautiful and talented transgender/transsexual Filipinas (transpinays) who can then become part of an elite group of performers. Eight years later it still holds that distinction. STRAP is honored to declare solidarity with Amazing Philippine Beauties and on its 8th year at thatā€”truly an auspicious year! Eight years of showing the world amazingly beautiful transpinays has certainly brought not only luck to the girl who gets to wear the crown each year but also joy to their supporters, loved ones and communities. Indeed Amazing Philippine Beauties has played an important part towards building a unified Filipino transgender community. Coronation night always brings hundreds of transgender and gender-variant people and those who love them together in the spirit of high-level pageantry. For sure on pageant night (on November 26 at the Manila Film...

2010 Pride March Philippines

The 2010 LGBT Pride March will be observed in the light of HIV AIDS World Awareness Day. The theme "One Love: Stop AIDS, Promote LGBT Human Rights, Keep the Promise" acknowledges the LGBT Community's proactive role in advocating HIV AIDS awareness. The Manila Pride March gathers LGBT groups and individuals once a year to promote solidarity within and outside the community. It creates a safe space where LGBTs and their supporters can raise pressing issues. By tradition, Manila Pride March coincides with Human Rights week, to affirm the specific rights claims of the LGBT community. This yearā€™s theme, ā€œOne Loveā€, pushes for unity. The diversity of the LGBT community is apparent, but this diversity comes at the price of political differences as well. However, this yearā€™s March encourages everyone to view those differences as celebratory instead of damaging; that those differences are merely proof of the communityā€™s dynamism. ā€œOne Loveā€ also looks at how it is still possible t...

COMING SOON: First Love, a prequel to WBMB Ever wondered what was Adam's life before his big break up with James? How did it all started? What happened to them during their 10 year relationship? Why did it really end? Now you'll know. After all, before all the drama and the heartache, there's the unexplainable bliss of FIRST LOVE. FIRST LOVE , a prequel to WBMB Coming this December! NOTE: Can be read exclusively in WBMB's official Facebook page :)

Add the official WBMB Facebook page!

Adam Chua Create Your Badge Hey there WBMB friends, add the official WBMB page in Facebook! You know the story, you've read about the different characters in WBMB, don't you think it's about time to SEE it for yourselves? * See exclusive photos of Adam's London adventures * Connect with ADAM (in real time) and other readers of WBMB * Read exclusive hidden chapters never been published here in blogspot * Be the first to know about the latest news, updates and future events (a possible group meet up perhaps?) * Win amazing prizes in future WBMB contests So what are you waiting for? Join now!

When Boy meets Boy Book 1 Chapter 1: It all ended with a post it

My name is Adam. My name is the 69th most popular boys name in the United States. I find that nonsense info somewhat funny. If you get what I meant then probably thereā€™s something we have in common. I won't lie and go straight to the point by saying that I'm gay. And by gay I don't mean I'm a happy person. Sure, I'm not gloomy or anything close to that. I'm just, well, gay . Thereā€™s nothing really special about me. Iā€™m just some average looking 20 something gay guy who tries to live decently in the urban jungles of Manila. I wish I could share something out of this world or something extra special about me like how I was the ā€œspecialā€ one who discovered the cure for AIDS or Iā€™m the first gay astronaut that ever landed planet Pluto. But the truth is, Iā€™m just one of those people who you would pass by some random street and never bother to do a double look. When I was little, my mom used to tell me that I have the weirdest fixation to words. In fact, she said tha...

STRAP salutes Queen of Cebu

Every girl dreams of being treated like a Princess. But in Cebu, they can actually dream of becoming a Queen. The Society of Transsexual Women of the Philippines (STRAP) congratulates the organizers of Queen of Cebu on its sophomore year. Envisioned as an alternative pageant, Queen of Cebu has proven not only to be a grand showcase of the beauty, talent & splendid uniqueness of the Cebuana transpinay but as well as a magnificent platform to advocate for respect of gender diversity & the right to determine oneā€™s gender identity. Thank you to those who put together Queen of Cebu & for setting a very high bar indeed. As has been said, excellence is the best deterrent to sexism. Now our Cebuana transpinay sisters have another prestigious pageant that they can not only be proud to be a part of & call their own but as well as to use to break down barriers of prejudice. May dreams come true on pageant night (6 November 2010, Saturday, 8 pm, Waterfront Hotel Cebu)! May all ...

Wan Chai bars shock transgender experts, barring them as 'lady boys'

Below is a news article that came out in the South China Morning Post (SCMP), Hong Kong's most widely read English broadsheet. Santy and I decided to go back to the bar in Wan Chai, Amazonia, that barred our entry in the past and luckily an SCMP journalist was there to see it all happen again. When we got there I had to politely introduce myself to the manager named Dave (see pic above) and he said that he'd let us in if Dr. Sam Winter and Atty. Michael Vidler, a human rights lawyer, who were with us that night would escort us the entire time. We said no. The Hong Kong trans community is in a very vulnerable position right now after the W decision barring a transsexual woman's petition to marry in the gender she identifies as. I hope that by exposing more of the bigotry that seems to pervade Hong Kong society nowadays, we have been able to call people's attention in Hong Kong enough for them to start agitating for badly needed change. Wan Chai bars shock transgender exp...